Friday 12 November 2010

Toughest Crew of the Century

The hype generated for the release of The Expendables (2010) by action fans the world over was enough to outweigh the combined testosterone of the cast. We had all been reading about the potential for this since it embryonic stages and the excitement continued to grow with the confirmation of each action heroes agreement to participate. The one problem with all this is how any film was going to live up to the promise that was being offered.

We are the shadow, the smoke in your eyes, the ghosts that hide in the night

The premise for the film is simple. Guns for hire undertake questionable work for questionable people. A ragtag bunch of has-beens and never-will-be’s thrown together as they chase financial gain and we hear the explosions ring out. It wouldn’t be a Stallone film without a conscience and it is Stallone’s character, Barney Ross, that provides the film with this. A mercenary with a big heart who is able to draw his team into the heart of battle when the primary gain is not monetary or physical; only Stallone could manage that. He has pulled our heartstrings before with Rocky (1976), with Rambo (1982) and with Over The Top (1987) and hasn‘t lost any of that ability as a writer, director or actor.

Stars from the eighties through to present day, a group of mercenaries and more action that one film should ever contain was the promise. The actuality delivered on certain levels but felt like an opportunity missed. The story, however much importance you place upon it, was posted MIA in my opinion and this led to a struggle for take-off. It is clear that Stallone has put everything into his performance, his reported injuries are testament to that, and Jason Stathman and Dolph Lundgren give you exactly what you expect. The appearances of Bruce Willis, Arnie and Mickey Rourke provided highlights but were all too brief in duration. The Expendables, for the most part, does exactly what it says on the tin. If you approach it expecting an engaging psychological affair then you will be disappointed., if however you take it on face value and consider it as pure entertainment then entertained you shall be.

Only thing you need to know is the job's real, and the money's real

With an estimated $80million budget the film grossed over $100 million in the US alone so in purely financial terms has the right to be considered a success. Due for DVD/Blu-ray release on December 13th, I recommend picking up a copy if you have not already seen it. Check your expectations and an enjoyable experience awaits.. Talk of the sequel and its cast began before the original hit the big screen and if Stallone learns the lessons from the first then the follow-up has the potential to be the greatest action movie of all. I believe.

You got a problem with that?

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